(FILES) In this file photograph taken on August 19, 2020, Colonel Assimi Goita speaks to the press at the Malian Ministry of Defence in Bamako, after confirming his position as the president of the National Committee for the Salvation of the People (CNSP). - Two armed men, including one who wielded a knife, attacked Mali's interim president Assimi Goita on July 20, 2021, an AFP journalist saw, during prayers in the great mosque in the capital Bamako. The attack took place during festivities for the Islamic festival of Eid al-Adha. The president has since been taken from the scene, according to the journalist. (Photo by MALIK KONATE / AFP)
(FILES) In this file photograph taken on August 19, 2020, Colonel Assimi Goita speaks to the press at the Malian Ministry of Defence in Bamako, after confirming his position as the president of the National Committee for the Salvation of the People (CNSP). – Two armed men, including one who wielded a knife, attacked Mali’s interim president Assimi Goita on July 20, 2021, an AFP journalist saw, during prayers in the great mosque in the capital Bamako. The attack took place during festivities for the Islamic festival of Eid al-Adha. The president has since been taken from the scene, according to the journalist. (Photo by MALIK KONATE / AFP)

El presidente interino de Mali, Assimi Goita, ha sido víctima este martes de un ataque con cuchillo durante las oraciones en la gran mezquita de Bamako, la capital del país africano, informa AFP, uno de cuyos periodistas fue testigo de la agresión.

Según la agencia francesa, dos hombres armados —uno de ellos con un cuchillo— han atacado al mandatario maliense dentro del templo durante el acto religioso.

Goita, un alto jefe militar que contribuyó al derrocamiento del anterior presidente de Malí, Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta, en agosto del año pasado, llegó al poder tras protagonizar el pasado mes de mayo un nuevo golpe de Estado en el que fueron detenidos el presidente y el primer ministro interinos del país. Los acontecimientos fueron condenados por organismos internacionales y autoridades regionales, así como por Francia y EE.UU., que amenazaron con sanciones.

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